We strive to maintain SeAH’s responsible and ethical management approach for building a sustainable future by living by the following guidelines.

Guidelines for ethical code practice

These guidelines prescribe how to practice the ethical code for SeAH’s executives and employees.
Tasks These are direct and indirect tasks that are executed by executives and employees in their positions.
Interested parties Interested parties refer to people and groups inside and outside the company, whose interests and rights can be affected by the behaviors and decisions made by the company’s executives and employees. Any bribes received by family members, relatives, or acquaintances of the company’s executives and employees shall be considered as their own behaviors.
Inevitable circumstances If bribes are delivered while absent or cannot be refused due to unavoidable situations, or if refusal could be considered disrespectful or rude, such cases could be considered as inevitable circumstances.
Reporters Reporters refer to all executives and employees who are responsible for reporting bribe cases.
Acceptable level An acceptable level refers to a level that can be understood as sound common sense from the perspective of other executives and employees or non-beneficiaries. It is a level of justification or legitimacy that can be accepted by the general public, and it is a range in that a beneficiary can process tasks fairly without feeling psychological burden.
  • 1. Reciprocity or an equal relationship should be maintained
  • 2. The other party should not feel an aversion
  • 3. Gift-giving should not be frequent or regular or habitual
  • 4. Gift-giving should not be related to the important period or purpose of business
  • 5. Gifts should not be extravagant or luxurious or expensive
  • 6. Gifts offered should not harm public morals

Ethical code

The following types constitute unacceptable and unethical behavior:

Accepting compensation (money, gift) from interested parties:
Receiving money, entertainment, treats, loan, debt redemption and guarantee, and future guarantee.
Participating in unfair equity of a company which does business with SeAH:
Acceptance and investment in listed and unlisted company’s stocks, joint investment, joint property acquisition.
Lacking transparency in the selection of partner companies:
Providing unfair opportunity, unfair trading, and leaking information about suppliers.
Unlawful and unfair use of company properties:
Use of tangible and intangible properties for other purposes; embezzlement and misuse of public funds.
Fabrication of documents and calculations, and false reporting:
Fabrication and falsification of documents and calculations; reporting false facts.
Other :
Negligence of duty, management and supervision; overstepping of authority; degradation of dignity.